On the next screen, please select "Form 100S" for franchise tax.
Next, select the payment type for the tax you are paying:
Estimated Tax Payments are made on a quarterly basis. You will likely not have one until Q3 or Q4.
Extension Payments are typically made around March 15.
Original Return Payment should be selected after your return has been filed.
Click Continue to enter your payment information. Please include the tax year payment is covering.
For extension and original return payments: You will typically submit a tax payment for the previous year. For example, in 2024, you would be submitting a tax payment for 2023. You will select the option 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2023.
For estimated tax payments: You are submitting a tax payment for the current year. For example 2024, you will submit a tax payment for 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024. If you select and submit an estimated tax payment, you may schedule multiple quarterly payments for the year. Select “Add an estimated tax payment," fill out the relevant information, and then click Continue. The date entered can be today’s date or a future date.
The information you've submitted will then be shown at the bottom of the payment portal. Hit continue.
Enter your payment information, then click Continue. Remember, this tax can be paid through your business accounts and is considered a business expense.
A summary of the information you provided will appear at the top of the screen. Enter your email and telephone number and check the "Payment Authorization" box to complete the transaction.
Click Submit.
A receipt will be emailed to you once you have clicked submit. Print a copy for your records and upload it to Your Practice>Documents>Taxes.