Form 8879 IRS e-file Signature Authorization
IRS Form 8879, IRS e-file Signature Authorization, is a declaration document that captures your electronic signature to submit your tax return.
This form will be provided as part of filing your tax return with Heard. Your signature is required before we can file the complete return package.
Please verify your key tax information including your name, social security number, and your spouse's information if filing jointly.
Part I Tax Return Information
A summary of your information is contained in this section
Part II Taxpayer Declaration and Signature Authorization
Please review a summary of important information regarding your tax return and any amounts owed or to be returned.
Part III Certification and Authentication
Your tax preparer will complete this section
Return and payment voucher
Most states take the Federal Adjusted Gross Income amount and make additional adjustments.
The most common adjustment is related to state taxes that were deducted on the Federal return that aren't deductible in the state. This is because state taxes paid to a state cannot be deducted on the same state return.
State Vouchers
Tax software automatically includes state vouchers in case you'd like to pay via mail. We advise all our customers to pay online for ease of access and verification.